Features Of Good Trucking Software

The advent of internet has brought huge transformations in various industries including the transportation sector. Most of the trucking or freight broker companies today are inclined towards freight broker or trucking software for a more improved and smooth management of trucks and loads. This freight broker software is designed in a very systematic order to meet all the major necessities of the various freight brokerage and trucking companies. Below are given some of the principal features of a good trucking software package.

The very first requirement of a freight broker software device is an in built dispatch program. The dispatch program instrument would help to track the new and old operators. It would provide easy accessibility to the current status of trailers, orders, trucks and drivers and also find out their location utilizing the GPS tracking tool. An updated dispatch program of freight broker software must be well equipped with voice notification designs, email capability and also “voice-to-text” transcribing program for the drivers.

Any systematic trucking software program must be stuffed with 2 kinds of log tools, general log tools and fuel log instruments. The first one handles dispatch records, shift events, and the tracking of vehicles, cargo and driving hours. The fuel log tool records the fuel costs and purchases and also calculates the fuel expenditure and taxes. Besides, the module maintains a receipt which could be sent (via email) to the corporate client or would be printed out as a report.

An updated freight broker software package should be armed with a well designed program module which would work to review the cargo and equipment status. You will find many such software packages with user specified fields like “driver available”, “trailer status” or “out of order/service”, already fed in the software. Otherwise, you can even customize some user-specified fields tailored particularly for the company operations.

This particular software program must possess an invoice and an accounting tool to program invoices right on spot and for updating client accounts. The accounting instrument come with general ledger records, customer lists, account maintenance designs and report functions.

Finally, trucking software is absolutely incomplete without the fleet management device. The fleet management tool indicates all the trucks, the fleet numbers, American Department of Transportation Certificate records and also the scheduled maintenance details for the particular fleet. It can also be customized to notify the drivers on the maintenance timing via emails.

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