Why Not to Use Free Full Registry Cleaner Software? How to Fix Your Registry the Right Way
So you have found out your computer registry has a ton of corrupted files on it, and you have to fix it before it crashes. You start searching online to find a solution, and locate some free registry cleaner programs.
It sounds like a great deal, but as the old saying goes, “When it sounds to good to be true it usually is definitely applies here.
For the most part free cleaners are offering their software for free so they can see how it works on as many computer systems as possible. We strongly suggest you read between the lines first, and especially with any free registry programs. All software programs are not created equal, like everything else in the world.
One registry cleaner will not fix computer issues the same way another version will. A good registry cleaner will locate and correct all corrupt files, and get rid of the entry keys that are can be causing issues on your system. But many of the free cleaners will only correct a couple problems and actually create more on your computer. Corrupted data ends up staying on your system as a result.
There is another issue to be aware of also. Top of the line cleaners will only quarantine a file if they detect it is corrupted, instead of destroying it so you decide if you want to get rid of it or not. But unfortunately many free registry programs will simply delete the registry files, and sometimes important information will be lost for good. St this point it can make your registry issues worse and it can get to the point of not repairable.
If your computer is slow, getting error messages and you feel it is time for a tune up, but you are completely certain, you do not have to purchase a registry cleaner program immediately. The best thing to do is get a good paid windows repair software cleaner that offers a free scan, then you will see the problems your system is having and if you indeed need to take care of your PC right away or not.
In summary, if you find that the registry is definitely in need of cleaning from running a free scan then you can decide with confidence to get an upgraded version of the product as the top software always has a money back guarantee. Then in only a couple minutes the registry cleaner will have your system performing like new again. Do not risk damaging your computer more with a so called free full registry cleaner.