Why Specialized Freight Broker Software
Freight Brokers are among one of the most important entities of Trucking Business. They act as a channel between customer (with freight) and dispatchers or carriers (trucking companies). They have to handle several cumbersome tasks in order to deal with both customers and trucking companies. They also need to automate their operations in order to increase their work efficiency. However, their requirements are different from trucking companies (carriers), so they need specialized software to handle freight brokerage operations.
Most of the trucking software manufacturers focus on needs of trucking companies along with some additional features helping freight brokers, but very few of them addressed real need of specialized application software for freight brokers. Nowadays, different types of freight broker applications are available for freight brokers. Trucking software market has increased drastically in last few years due to inclusion of technology in all sections of trucking businesses. Trucking and Freight broker software has a great market potential in United States and Canada, due to dependency of trucking industry on automates software applications.
Use of an automated software application not only reduce overheads required in a trucking company, but also provides competence and professionalism into business. A freight broker can increase their workload and they can bank upon freight brokerage software for effective handling of their tasks. A specialized version of freight broker software is created with maximum applicability of software in freight brokerage business. They combine features of adding more freight and careers to their application, effective and to the point reporting and invoicing tools along with a detailed statistical analysis of work progress.
You can originate your plans by having close looks on your freight brokerage business. In a single glance, you can easily identify your star customers (providing regular and enough freight to brokers) and star transporters (dispatching maximum amount of freight from source to destination) with help of graphical analysis tools provided by freight brokerage software.
Some software manufacturers integrate a link for Federal Motor Carrier Association (FMCA), which allows users to quickly look-up the operating authorities or any carriers in their database. Such features help trucking company owners in keeping a track of all loads delivered in past.