You Would Never Guess Why This 2014 CPC Certification Study Guide Rocks – A Must See
Passing your CPC certification exam gives you an edge as a medical coder. Aside from having good practical coding experience, getting certified is the next major step for career advancement. Certified medical coders are widely sought after by employers, government organizations, and physician societies. As such, getting certified is a must when pursuing a career in medical coding. Getting certified will make you stand out from the rest and assure employers of your skills, making you more valuable and opening new doors in the job market. According to the figures provided by AAPC’s salary survey, certified coders earn about more than 17% than the non-certified ones.
The demand for certified medical coders is high, but many have failed their certification exam, citing how hard it is. So it is necessary that you prepare by getting the right CPC certification study guide. The right study guide will help you to cover all the important areas that you should not miss in preparing for your test. It should also give you all the tools and tips on what to do on the exam day itself. But how you learn is as important as what you learn, which is why Laureen Jandroep’s 2014 CPC certification study guide rocks. Here’s the reason: her study guide is in video-form!
Why Learning by Watching Videos is Better than Reading
A well-produced video is considered as a powerful learning tool. According to a research made by Towson University’s Electronic Media and Film Department, watching videos allow the audience to have a rich and rewarding learning experience. Videos makes the audience more engaged on the learning tool, making them more connected to the video’s content. As such, the audience were able to absorb the video’s content visually, allowing them to understand the details more. A video-based CPC certification study guide accomplishes all that and more, because you learn at your own pace. You can pause, rewind, and skip any section you want at any time. It helps that watching videos on a portable screen is easier to do when you’re on the move.
Why is it Important to have the Video-based CPC Certification Guide by Laureen Jandroep
There are a lot of different programs out there to help you pass the CPC certification exam. Invest in one that is proven to help, look for testimonials from past students, and make sure it is conducted by an experienced and certified trainer. There are a lot of cases where people fail their cpc exam, not because they didn’t study but because their exam taking techniques and time management failed them.
Laureen Jandroep’s 2014 CPC certification study guide provide all the necessary tools to ensure that you will pass the exam. With her videos, you get all the secrets and strategies that she has been using to coach students to success on their first try. You can use her videos together with your other learning materials to ensure that you will get the certification you want. Her videos will get you to be more proficient and master any topics including anaesthesia, evaluation and management, pathology, surgical services, medicine, pathology, and more.